Autumn 2024:
Huge congratulations to those students taking exams this term. 3 high merits from the London College of Music exams this week – Moses (Grade 5), Enoch (Grade 6) and Rose (Grade 6). All took recital options so performed their recitals (4 pieces) alongside a sightreading / viva option. Brilliant work from all 3!
Massive well dones to those who took ABRSM and Trinity grades this Autumn, to Poppy for a merit in her grade 5, and to Naomi and Sam who smashed their grade 4s. 3 super pianists who are a joy to teach and support each week on their musical journey. So proud of them all!
Summer 2024:
Absolutely brilliant end of term for Jenna, grade 8 with merit, for which she travelled all the way to York to do! Fabulously played pieces including Joplin’s Maple Leaf Rag, Amy Beach’s Scottish Legend and Czerny’s Feodora. I’m so so proud of Jenna, another student I’ve taught for many many years! Beginning lessons in Y2, all the way to grade 8, what a privilege.
Huge congratulations go to Isla B for her Initial flute exam, I really enjoyed accompanying her pieces, which were all new to me, as she’s a student of Emily’s. Great timing and lovely emerging support and breath control. I’m looking forward to accompanying a grade 1 next year!
Well done to twins Henry and Isla on both passing their ABRSM Prep Tests. Super proud of their fantastically musical playing. Really proud of Matilda in her grade 1 piano, a super merit, I particuarly enjoy her very speedy and vicious ‘Vicious Velociraptor’ – always played with flair! Fantastically hard work from Adah on her step 1 recorder with distinction, my favourite is definitely the EBGB’s – fabulous achievements all round this year ❤️
Excitement here in our house as Emily achieves her DipLCM (performance) in flute with a higher level approval (distinction). After 2 years of Diploma level work we’re so thrilled with her result. ALCM next!
Spring 2024:
First results back for March ABRSM exams, wonderful news from Caleb with a fabulous grade 6 result, and from Abigail for a magnificent merit in her grade 5.
Jemiah has a distinction in her clarinet grade 4, with full marks in her jazz piece ‘Sticking Together’ by Christopher Norton.
I’m super proud of the wonderful Poppy who played keys for her school production of Shrek the musical. Was a fabulous run, I was lucky enough to watch the last performance. Super high quality musicianship from their band!
Trinity and LCM exams were in April this session, Alex, Esther, Daluchi and Charlotte – 4 x grade 4 piano exams between them! All with merits!! Excellent results everyone ♥️🎶🎶
Autumn 2023:
Just 2 terms after his grade 6, Liam has passed his grade 7 with style! What a superstar. Huge well done to Megan on her grade 5 too. Super fabulous playing from both, and we’re looking forward to hearing a couple of these pieces in our spring concert 🙂
Summer 2023:
Huge congratulations to Pia on her grade 6 distinction. After moving abroad in Sept, it’s been a delight to continue her piano journey with her on Zoom! And even more of a delight for her to achieve a distinction in her grade 6 exam!
5 amazing results from the London College of Music, 5 super pianists who all played exceptionally well – 2 merits and 3 distinctions. Congratulations go to Ben (Step 1), Matilda (Step 2), Georgia (Grade 2), Sam (Grade 3) and Rose (Grade 5) So proud of them all! Sam and Georgia both performed one of their pieces to a full house audience at the end of year ‘Clifford celebration of music’ 🎵🎵♥️
Well done to Afomachi for a fabulous achievement in her grade 1. Great playing in all her pieces and full marks in sightreading and aural! And to Sophie H for submitting a digital grade 6 alongside her studies. Superstar ⭐️
Congratulations to Beth on her Grade 8 piano with merit!
What a fantastic achievement, a wonderful write up from the examiner who commented on her highly expressive playing, well chosen tempos, well controlled hand balance, detailed articulation and tonal shaping! Huge things to be proud of!
Congratulations to the fabulous Charlotte for a merit in her grade 1 flute. I enjoyed accompanying her favourite pieces – especially Feed the Birds (from Mary Poppins), and The Muppet Show Theme! Great choices! Some fantastic playing 🎵🎵
First exam result back this term was for the most amazing Yasmin, who has achieved her grade 8 piano just a week after completing her A levels. It’s a super special result for me too, as Yasmin has been coming to me for piano since she was 6 – we started on Tunes for Ten fingers when she was in Y2. We’ve finished Y13 with a grade 8 – Mozart’s Sonata K331 First movt Theme and 6 Variations, Schumann’s Romanze in F#, and Debussy’s Reverie for which she achieved her highest piece score of 27 (played to distinction standard). What an incredible journey.
10 more exams to go before the end of term – from step 1 – grade 8, watch this space for more fabulous news ♥️
Spring 2023:
Huge congratulations to Liam on a fabulous grade 6 merit. Wonderful comments from the examiner, Burgmuller played with style, and a well played dramatic ending. Martha Mier’s jazz with neat and effective syncopation & drive.
Autumn 2022:
Exam results back for some digital submissions. Fabulous congratulations to Poppy and to Emily H on passing your grade 3s – both disrupted due to Covid, so done digitally. Really proud of you both.
Liam J – Grade 5 theory with distinction! Full marks in 6/8 of the sections on the test. Incredible score. All ready for grade 6 practical now!
Summer 2022:
A bumper term of super exam results coming in!
From LCM congratulations go to Ben A (pre-prep), Matilda (Step 1), Charlotte (Grade 3) and Rose Y (grade 4) all passed with merits. Really fantastic news!
From ABRSM 2 fabulous flautists – well done to Pia (Grade 4), and Eliana (Grade 3) both marvellous merits. Elizabeth played her clarinet grade 2 with style and achieved a super merit. Then 2 lovely pianists – Enoch with a super grade 5, and Abigail with a brilliantly played grade 4, also with merit.
From Trinity, so many amazing grade 3s – Moses, Naomi (with merit) and Esther (with merit). Afomachi has achieved a fabulous merit in her initial grade, and Jenna a super high merit at grade 7 as well as a brilliant result from her GCSE music performance. The brilliant Sophie H has completed an outstanding GCSE performance this year as well.
What a privilege to work with all these fabulous pianists every week.
Spring 2022
What a fabulous start to the year – 5 amazing piano exam results back. Congratulations go to Alex M on his grade 3 with merit, to Sam Y for his grade 2 with merit, and to Megan for her grade 4 with merit! Two distinctions go to Pia for her grade 5, and Luke for his grade 7. So so proud of everyone’s hard work 🎶🎶
Christmas 2021
Wonderful mixture of exams taken or recorded this term.
Huge well done to Anouk on her grade 7 distinction in piano performance from LCM.
Fabulous playing from Georgia with her piano – grade 1 merit, and an awesome grade 5 piano for Liam.
Congratulations to Yasmin in her grade 7 piano, and to those who have recorded and submitted GCSE performance work – Sophie, Henry and Jenna.
It’s my absolute pleasure to spend my time each work helping children prepare for these fabulous achievements.
Update Sept 2021:
Over the Covid lockdown period, a number of students have submitted digital grades or taken in person socially distanced exams. Hugely proud of Bethany (Grade 7 piano with merit), Enoch (Grade 4 piano with merit), Holly (Grade 3 piano with merit), Caleb (grade 5 clarinet with distinction), Moses (Grade 2 piano with merit) and Sam (Grade 1 piano with merit). All passed with merits or distinctions! Amazing!
Lots of students have moved on and up without taking exams, so I’m looking forward to lots more successes in the coming year 🎶🎶
Autumn 2019:
Fabulous results again!
Congratulations Ana on your Step 1 with merit, and Sam for your Step 2 with merit. Both already started grade 1 material!
Well done to Naomi for passing her grade 1 (LCM) and to Moses for passing his with merit (Trinity)
3 fabulous pianists have passed their grade 2s, Holly P and Rosa both with merit (Trinity) and Enoch with a fabulous distinction (LCM)
A huge achievement at grade 4 for Sophie H (Trinity)
3 magic grade 5s – Jenna with merit (Trinity), and Anouk and Luke with distinctions (LCM). 2/3 of Luke’s piece were awarded full marks.
For grade 5 theory, a huge well done to Yasmin, who have passed with distinction.
And finally, the amazing Holly Z has passed her grade 6 clarinet with merit!
What a fabulous set of Autumn term results!
Summer 2019:
What a fabulous end to the summer exams! So many amazing children who have amazing results, 17 exams done and dusted – all passed, 8 with merit, and 6 with distinction.
Sometimes what happens under exam conditions doesn’t at all resemble the warm-up or their normal playing, but every single one of these children held their own and performed beautifully!
Initial grade congratulations to Charlotte (a Trinity distinction), Alex and Alex (Trinity merits) and Bertie (Trinity distinction on flute).
Step 1 prep flute – super work from Flora, an LCM distinction!
Grade 1 – congratulations to Yasmin (LCM distinction) and Emily (a Trinity merit)
Grade 2 – huge well done to Edward on passing his ABRSM grade 2 with flying colours, to Megan for her fabulous grade 2 LCM piano as well and to Pia for an awesome distinction (LCM).
Congratulations to David for a merit in his grade 2 Trinity Rock & Pop piano!
Grade 3 – a fantastic pass from Trinity for Lily, Liam (with ABRSM merit), Anna (Trinity merit) and Henry (Trinity merit)
Grade 5 – huge well done to Alice on a high scoring merit from the London College of Music (LCM)! And to Bethany for a distinction in her ABRSM grade 5 theory.
Great playing all around. I couldn’t be prouder of any of you! Thank to to Mrs McAuley and Miss Smalley who have been teaching Alex M and Bertie this term – it’s always hard handing pupils over, especially close to exams, but they’re testament to great teaching! Thank you!
Spring 2019:
5 Amazing distinctions for all these fabulous pre-Grade 1s exams with the London College of Music
Congratulations to Sophie (Step 2), Esther (Step 2), Sam (Step 1), Poppy (Step 1) and Georgia (pre-prep)
Autumn 2018:
Fabulous results from all 3 exam boards – a wide variety of exams taken from pre-prep through to grade 7!
Congratulations go to:
Anezka and Afomachi for distinctions in your LCM pre-preps
Naomi, Bethany and Yasmin for distinctions in your London College of Music Prep step 2s.
Grade 1s – London College of Music – all with distinction. Well done Pia, Sam and Rose! Pia is our highest scorer this term with 92%!
Grade 3 – fantastic merit for Nathan (including full marks for his C piece!) and a distinction for Felix in his grade 3 jazz (LCM). Well done boys!
Grade 4 – thrilled with Jenna’s merit in her Trinity exam, and 2 distinctions for Anouk and Luke from the London College of Music. Brilliant playing from all 3!
Grade 5 – very proud of Yasmin with a merit in her ABRSM grade 5 exam! Dedicated practice and a well deserved merit!
Grade 6 – so thrilled for Grace who has passed her grade 6 flute with Trinity this term – especially lovely selection of pieces and fabulous performance on the day! And a flautist specialist examiner!
Grade 7 – just brilliant and a huge achievement from Ethan. ABRSM grade 7 with merit including full marks for his C piece!
What a brilliant set of results from a brilliant bunch of students! Looking forward to your next steps!
Spring 2017:
Many congratulations to all the beginners who took pre or pre prep steps.
Rose – confident merit in LCM pre-prep. Amazing playing and so happy about it too! Straight back from a week’s residential into her exam.
Bethany H – super merit in her LCM Prep Step 1. Brilliant hard work and practice. Big milestone for you. Very proud.
Rosa, Edward and Holly, all ABRSM prep tests. Fantastic playing all round. Some lovely comments from the examiner, and fab choice of pieces and duets. Well done all!
Congratulations go to Sophie H for an amazing grade 2 piano and for Henry at grade 1. Brilliant playing and some fabulous choices of repetoire. Both taking the Trinity syllabus and both really enjoying their exams! I’m going to miss playing Henry’s CanCan duet in lessons – def have to get it out again for the concert this year. Sophie’s A piece, scored an amazing 20/22 after last minute nerves about performing it.
Superb clarinet playing by Holly Z in her grade 4. I particularly enjoyed accompanying the Rumba, think it was possibly the trickiest piece on the syllabus, but again executed with real style and flair. Brilliant!
And Amelia, LCM (London College of Music) grade 2 clarinet with distinction! Fantastic work, and confident on the day, examiner commented specifically on a lovely developing warm tone in her playing.
Well done everyone!
Autumn 2016:
Incredible work and huge congratulations from the Autumn 2016 exam session to:
George S – ABRSM Grade 7 piano with distinction including full marks, 30/30 for Debussy’s Canope
Grace C – ABRSM Grade 5 flute ❤️, fantastically well played pieces including 28/30 for her jazz B piece “Nobody Knows”
Bethany R – ABRSM Grade 4 piano with high merit, an incredible all round musician, scoring highly right across her exam. Beth plays with such musicality and confidence!
Liam J – ABRSM Grade 1 piano with merit including full marks for aural!
Emily H and Alexandra – ABRSM Prep Tests
Matthew A – Trinity Initial Piano with high merit including full marks in his aural. A great first exam!
Lila T – Trinity Grade 2 piano with high merit, all her pieces played with energy & control. Fab choice of repertoire, came out of the exam with a huge smile knowing she’d done well!! Lovely to see!
Esther BG – LCM Grade 1 piano with distinction, mum and I heard her pieces from the waiting room, they were the best she’s ever played them! Totally delighted!
Louis B – LCM Step 2 piano with distinction, what can we say 90% in his exam, he really can play beautifully & stay calm under exam conditions. Totally thrilled for Louis, roll on grade 1!
Sophie M & Sam B – both LCM pre-prep piano with distinction
Summer 2016:
18/7: Last results of the exam sessions in!! A massive well done to all the ABRSM pianists. All great passes or merits – what a fantastic end to the summer term
Well done everyone: Grade 1 for Felix, Grade 2’s for Luke and for Jenna, Grade 3 for Alice and Grade 5 for Ethan.
Absolutely phenomenal amount of work went in, I am truly truly delighted!
11/7: Incredibly well done to Bethany H and Moses in their LCM pre-prep exams. Very first beginners exam for both of them! Amazing marks. One a high merit, and one a distinction – both have come on so much this year, and rocked it on the day.
Moses did a handstand on the way in, and came out to a “played it like a boss” high five! Congratulations to both on a great first step!
9/7: Fantastic high merit result from Trinity board for Sophie in her grade 4 piano. Full marks in her aural tests, and fantastic comments across the board. Lively, fluent, well paced, good dynamics, pieces which well captured the styles she was playing… superstar Sophie – so so proud of you!
28/6: The first exam results are back from the woodwind entries. 3 amazing clarinettists / flautists played beautifully in their exams:
Anna B passed her grade 1 with style, the examiner commented on the expressive atmosphere she created in her pieces with such a beautiful tone. After just a year of playing Anna is a confident player, who practices hard and loves her lessons! A joy to teach – well done Anna!
Holly Z’s grade 3 was a delight to accompany, the Ave Maria she played is possibly one of the most beautiful pieces we’ve entered for examination this year. The examiner notes her expressive tone, her sense of rhythmic character and clear strengths of dynamic shaping in her playing, incredible achievements as she has only been playing for 2 years! She is incredibly self motivated, and has truly worked her socks off to get to grade 3, super proud!
EmilyRose surpassed herself with a distinction in her grade 4 flute. Despite us realising just beforehand the examiner was a jazz expert, she played her 2 jazz pieces (list B and C) with remarkable confidence and rhythmic capability. She’s looking forward to playing on the school orchestra tour this summer. Superstar!
Spring 2016:
5 fantastic results!
Congratulations to Anna W who passed her Trinity Initial piano Exam with a very high merit mark, I really enjoyed playing the duets with you & am so proud of the amazing pianist you have become this year
Proud too of 6 year old Joshua from Clifford school as he played beautifully in this ABRSM prep test. Such confidence and superstardom! Well done Josh
3 grade 1’s passed in style:
Amelie played all her pieces with flair and musicality, despite her nerves, a great secure start, beautiful playing on the day. Very proud Amelie ?
Amelia has magicked her way to a high merit mark in her grade 1 clarinet. Fantastic pieces, a pleasure to accompany, and almost full marks in her sightreading and scales – what a star
Lily C, brilliant merit in her grade 1 piano, her C piece scored an especially high mark – she chose the cuckoo piece from the alternate list, and played it with such good control, well deserved Lily – champion result
Autumn 2015
Yet more fabulous, exam results from the ABRSM exam session in November.
Two beautifully played prep tests from David and Louis, both of whom started in their Y2’s at Clifford, very proud of both of you!
Sophie H has passed her grade 1 piano with merit, she worked extremely hard, and played an almost flawless Lincolnshire Poacher.
Anouk has passed her grade 2 piano with merit, her write up was most beautiful and the examiner found all her pieces full of dynamics, with colourful & vibrant playing.
And Bethany R, has achieved another well deserved distinction, this time in her grade 3 piano. Her Cotton Reel, (C piece) was so well played the examiner has written about it twice! And she performed so well across all the supporting tests, a natural at aural & music awareness, and a lot of hard work put in to her scales & sightreading!
I could not be more proud of any of them. Looking forward to the Feb / March Spring exams, and thoroughly enjoying listening to those children preparing their pieces this term.